Palmdale, California

Palmdale, California

Population: 165,761
Type of Requirement: Ordinance

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Contact Information

Physical Address:
City of Palmdale
38300 Sierra Highway Suite A
Palmdale, CA 93550

Main Contact:
George Davis, Public Art Program Manager
Email George

Program Summary

The City of Palmdale recognizes that it is essential to balance the development and revitalization of private property with the development of cultural and artistic resources. It is recommended that the private sector be encouraged to embrace public art as a defining characteristic of Palmdale’s built environment and a valuable component of new building projects. Broadening the contribution requirements will favorably impact the ability to sustain a Public Art Fund, which in turn increases the availability, accessibility, and growth of public art throughout Palmdale.

As of July 1, 2021, adopt an ordinance requiring private developers of new construction to allot .5% of building permit valuation costs of $250,000 or more to on-site art or contribute in-lieu of .5% to the Public Art Fund.

View Ordinance
Painting of a fire truck with 3 firefighters in the back unloading a hose.

Hose (2008). By Jason Greene. Los Angeles County Arts Commission. Courtesy: Los Angeles County Arts Commission Civic Art Collection