Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Population: 55,036
Type of Requirement: Planning and Zoning Ordinance
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Planning and Zoning Division
10500 North Military Trail
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Main Contact:
Natalie Crowley, Director of Planning & Zoning
Email Natalie | 561.799.4243
Program Summary
The Code establishes that all new development, except city projects, where total vertical construction costs of all buildings on a project site are equal to or greater than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) are subject to a mandatory public art requirement. All buildings within Planned Unit Developments and Planned Community Districts shall be assessed cumulatively towards the requirement. If the aggregate cost of the entire project exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), then each phase of development shall contribute the requirement. Costs for redevelopment of an existing building shall be calculated based on the construction costs of the new development, excluding the assessed value of the existing buildings that are replaced or redeveloped. Residential projects and residential components of mixed-use projects are excluded from the requirement.
Projects may satisfy the requirement in one of two ways:
- Provide onsite art in a visually accessible location with a value of one percent (1%) of the total vertical construction costs; or
- Contribute one percent (1%) of the total vertical construction costs to the Art Impact Fund.
The Art in Public Places Advisory Board shall review the proposed artwork and recommend to the city council whether to approve, deny, or approve with conditions. No certificate of occupancy for the project shall be issued until the artwork is installed and the final certification and accounting of the payment of the escrow fees has been provided. Maintenance and conservation of the artwork is borne by the development owner. The city has the right to maintain any art it deems improperly maintained and charge the owner.

Hand of Time (2018). By Pete Garaj. Palm Beach Gardens, Art in Public Places Collection. Courtesy: Pete Garaj