Coral Springs, Florida
Population: 133,037
Type of Requirement: Ordinance
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Arts Committee
9530 West Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Main Contact:
Laura Atria, Public Art Consultant
Email Laura | 954.344.1162
Program Summary
The Code establishes that all development, redevelopment, remodeling, or conversions greater than twelve thousand and five hundred (12,500) square feet in gross floor area which are in non-residential districts; and all development, redevelopment, remodeling, or conversions greater than one (1) acre in mixed use or multi-family districts on plots are subject to a mandatory public art requirement. When construction is phased, the aggregate gross square footage of the entire project or development shall be added together to determine whether the threshold is reached.
Development projects subject to the ordinance may fulfill the requirement in the following ways:
- Provide on-site artwork that is accessible and readily visible to the public. At minimum, seventy-five (75%) of the total value of the artwork(s) shall be placed in areas that are clearly visible from the public sidewalk or public space. The minimum value of the art shall be fifty cents ($0.50) per square foot of estimated gross floor area or twenty-five cents ($0.25) per square foot of an area being remodeled. The developer shall have up to six (6) months after issuance of the building permit to obtain approval of the proposed artwork and up to six (6) months after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy to install artwork; or
- Contribute to the Coral Springs Public Art Fund an in-lieu fee of forty cents ($0.40) per square foot of estimated gross floor area or twenty cents ($0.20) per square foot of an area being remodeled, prior to the issuance of a building permit.

Woman from the Future (2009). By Marialuisa Tadei. City of Coral Springs, FL, Public Art Program Collection. Courtesy: Marialuisa Tadei