Boise, Idaho
Population: 226,570
Type of Requirement: Voluntary
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Boise City Department of Arts & History
150 North Capitol Boulevard, First Floor
Boise, ID 83701
Main Contact:
Stephanie Johnson, Public Art Program Manager
Email Stephanie | 208.608.7044
Program Summary
The Policy establishes that certain projects are eligible for support from the city for voluntary public art projects. Where the Capital City Development Corp. (“CCDC”) and private developers partner, parties will together identify a specific amount in the project budget for investment in artworks, cultural facilities, or for deposit in the appropriate cultural trust fund (which exists for each urban renewal district). Together they will determine the type of investment; how the artist will be selected; and if the investment is for artwork, ownership, or maintenance. For capital projects undertaken solely by private developers within the boundaries of urban renewal districts, the CCDC shall advocate investments in artworks, cultural facilities ,or the appropriate cultural trust fund. To the extent feasible, CCDC shall match funds. The CCDC shall notify the Boise City Department of Arts & History of potential development projects that provide the opportunity to serve as an advocate for public art with the developer.

Grove Street Illuminated and Boise Canal (2001). By Amy Westover. Boise Idaho Public Art Collection. Courtesy: Boise Idaho Public Art