San Jose, California
Population: 1,035,000
Type of Requirement: Ordinance
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Cultural Affairs
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Main Contact:
Michael Ogilvie, Public Art Director
Email Michael | 408.793.4338
Program Summary
The Code establishes a voluntary public art program. The redevelopment agency shall use reasonable efforts to obtain agreements from private developers in redevelopment agency-assisted private projects to include public art. The redevelopment agency shall include funds for public artwork as a requested project element in all requests for proposals issued by the redevelopment agency. Exceptions to the voluntary program can be found in the code referenced above.
Developers shall be offered the following options:
- Include on-site public artwork with a value of one percent (1%) of the project costs (minus administrative costs);
- Place six-tenths of a percent (0.6%) of the project costs in a public art trust fund to create public artwork located anywhere in the city or, if not within a focus plan area, within a redevelopment project area; and
- Turnkey Parkland Projects shall be encouraged by the city to include public art with a value of one percent (1%) of the project cost.
Artwork acquired through this ordinance should be installed in public places owned or leased by the city or another public agency, except that artwork acquired through a redevelopment agency-assisted private project may also be installed in public places on the site of the private project generating the art funds.