Sedona, Arizona
Population: 10,336
Type of Requirement: Ordinance
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Arts & Culture Division
102 Roadrunner Drive
Sedona, AZ 86336
Main Contact:
Nancy Lattanzi, Arts & Culture Coordinator
Email Nancy | 728.203.5078
Program Summary
The Code establishes that all new commercial, professional office, lodging or timeshare projects that exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross floor area and expansions of existing structures greater than twenty-five hundred (2,500) square feet of gross floor area are subject to a mandatory public art requirement. Residential and industrial use projects are excluded from the requirement.
Projects may satisfy the requirement by including a work of art in an on-site public space where it is visible to the public for at least forty (40) hours a week. The developer’s investment in public art involves a minimum investment per square foot based on the Consumer Price Index, which will be adjusted annually. The 2017-2018 fiscal year value is fifty-one cents ($0.51) per square foot. The owner of the development shall be responsible for the proper upkeep and maintenance of the artwork. Alternatively, projects may make a contribution of equal value to the City of Sedona Art in Public Places Fund or some combination of on-site public work and a contribution to the Fund.

The Open Gate (2013). By Reagan Word. City of Sedona, AZ Collection. Courtesy: Tom Kelly