Port St. Lucie, Florida
Population: 189,344
Type of Requirement: Ordinance
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Planning and Zoning Department
121 S.W. Port St. Lucie Boulevard, Building B
Port St. Lucie, FL 34984
Main Contact:
Planning & Zoning Department
Email Planning & Zoning Department | 772.871.5213
Program Summary
The Code establishes that private residential, mixed-use, and commercial projects are subject to a mandatory public art requirement. Projects may satisfy the requirement providing on-site works of art, architectural enhancement, or special landscaping. Maintenance and conservation of the artwork will be the responsibility of the site owner. Early in the design project the architect or other design professional shall work with the Public Art Advisory Board to develop a site plan. Alternatively, developers may pay an in-lieu fee to the Public Art Fund. The fee must be paid prior to the issuance of any building permits.
The value of the artwork or in-lieu fee shall be equal to the following percentages of the total estimated cost of the project, excluding land costs:
- Zero percent (0%) for minor site plans less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet that comply with the City Design Standards or the design standards of a Development of Regional Impact;
- Half of a percent (0.5%) for minor site plans less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet that do not comply with the City Design Standards or the design standards of a Development of Regional Impact;
- Half of a percent (0.5%) for major site plans between ten thousand (10,000) and fifty thousand (50,000) square feet; or
- One percent (1%) for major site plans over fifty thousand (50,000) square feet.
The maximum contribution or value of artwork for any project shall be fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).

“Tradition Tower at Lake During Sunset Port St Lucie Florida” by Captain Kimo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.