Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Population: 1,581,000
Type of Requirement: City Council Resolution

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Contact Information

Physical Address:
Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy
City Hall, Room 116
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Main Contact:
Kelly Lee, Chief Cultural Officer for the City of Philadelphia and Executive Director
Email Kelly | 215.686.3989

Program Summary

The Policy establishes that projects built on land acquired from and assembled by the Redevelopment Authority (RDA) with a construction budget of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) or more and single family residences with a construction budget of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more are subject to a mandatory public art requirement. Residential housing projects involving public subsidy are excluded from the requirement.

Projects subject to the policy must budget no less than one percent (1%) of the total building construction cost to acquire original, site-specific works of public art to be incorporated into the building site. The Committee does not approve of a commemorative work when it is simply illustrative or is a literal portrait of an historical figure; or is one which will function or be perceived as an institutional, corporate, or commercial symbol or logo. Developers may partner with a recognized visual arts professional or establish a panel of recognized visual arts professionals and submit an alternate way of fulfilling the requirement. A Committee-approved Alternate Plan may include subsidizing the leasing of storefront space to non-profit arts groups, doing an off-site project, sponsoring an exhibition of temporary work on vacant lots, etc.

Alternatively, developers may contribute one percent (1%) of the total construction cost to the Fine Art Development Fund. Redevelopers with construction budgets between one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) and one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) are required to contribute to the fund.

View Ordinance
View from bottom of the building where you can see multicolored blocks painted up the wall.

LightPlay (2016). By Mags Harries, Lajos Heder. Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority Percent for Art Collection. Courtesy: Greg Benson, Julie Graham