Palo Alto, California

Palo Alto, California

Population: 67,178
Type of Requirement: Ordinance

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Contact Information

Physical Address:
Public Art Program
1313 Newell Road
Palo Alto, California 94303

Main Contact:
Elise DeMarzo, Public Art Program Director
Email Elise | 650.617.3517

Program Summary

The Code establishes that all new commercial developments (including mixed use projects, remodels, additions, and reconstructions), with a floor area of at least ten thousand (10,000) square feet and a construction value of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) or more (excluding costs for architecture, design, engineering, and required studies); and all new residential projects of five (5) or more units (excluding affordable housing developments), are subject to a mandatory public art requirement. In mixed use projects, those portions for uses that are excluded from this requirement shall be subtracted to determine eligibility. Exceptions to this requirement are included in the code referenced above.

Projects may satisfy the requirement by installing on-site public art valued at one percent (1%) of the first one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00) construction valuation and nine-tenths of a percent (0.9%) of construction valuation for valuation in excess of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00). Maintenance and conservation of the artwork will be the responsibility of the property owner. If the market value of the on-site public art is less than the contribution parameters, the remainder shall be contributed to the Public Art Fund. If the value of the on-site art is greater than the contribution parameters, the city shall have no obligation to refund the excess amount. Alternatively, developers may pay an in-lieu fee of an equal value to the Palo Alto Public Arts Fund.

View Ordinance
Round sculpture with red light coming from the center displaying various words in shadow.

Brilliance (2014). By Joseph O’Connell and Blessing Hancock. City of Palo Alto, CA, Collection. Courtesy: Creative Machines