Louisville, Kentucky
Population: 602,011
Type of Requirement: Ordinance
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Public Art Initiative
444 South 5th Street, Suite 600
Louisville, KY 40202
Main Contact:
Email Public Art Team | 502.574.4140
Program Summary
The Code establishes that commercial, industrial, and mixed-use developments greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet within the Neighborhood, Suburban Marketplace Corridor, Suburban Workplace, and Regional Center Form Districts are subject to a mandatory design requirement. Projects subject to the requirement may comply in one of the following manners:
- Set aside an area equivalent to a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total building footprint for outdoor amenities including, but not limited to, outdoor dining, water feature, outdoor playground area, multi-purpose trails/paths, etc., subject to approval from the Planning Commission or designee; or
- Pay an in-lieu fee to the Louisville Public Space Art Fund, upon approval of the Planning Commission or designee, at the time of building construction permitting. The fee shall be calculated by per square foot as determined at the time of development:
- For non-industrial developments: the fee shall be the square footage required for the outdoor amenity area multiplied by five dollars ($5.00); or
- For industrial developments: the fee shall be the square footage required for the outdoor amenity area, multiplied by ten dollars ($10.00).

Cloud Rings (2006). By Ned Kahn. 21c Museum Hotel. Courtesy: Ned Kahn