Broomfield, Colorado
Population: 68,341
Type of Requirement: City Council Resolution
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Cultural Affairs Division
3 Community Park Road
Broomfield, CO 80020
Main Contact:
Cheryl German, Cultural Affairs Operations Coordinator
Email Cheryl | 306.464.5829
Program Summary
The Policy establishes that all developments of a residential or commercial subdivision plot greater than five (5) acres are subject to a mandatory public art requirement. Projects subject to the requirement must include public art with a minimum value of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per acre. When choosing to directly commission a work of public art, the developer must choose from a list of approved artists provided by the Public Art Committee (“PAC”) and coordinate the project work with the PAC to ensure consistency with the program guidelines and Public Art Master Plan. The developer may also choose to fund the project while turning the Public Art selection over to the PAC. Maintenance and conservation of the artwork is the responsibility of the owner. Alternatively, developers may make a monetary contribution equal value for public art in lieu of a public art piece.

Stranger Reduction Zone (2013). By Timothy C. Flood. Broomfield Public Art Program Courtesy: Timothy C. Flood