Algonquin, Illinois
Population: 31,017
Type of Requirement: Ordinance
Contact Information
Physical Address:
Public Arts Commission
2200 Harnish Drive
Algonquin, IL 60102
Main Contact:
Ben Mason, AICP, Senior Planner/Community Development
Email Ben | 847.658.2700, ext.3302
Program Summary
The Code establishes that all new development projects shall contribute to the public art program in one of three ways:
- Provide and maintain artwork, as approved by the Algonquin Public Arts Commission. Artwork shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy;
- Reserve a display site and pay a fee. A specific site shall be reserved within the development for the display of public art. A $1,000 credit shall be given for the display site. The fee shall be assessed as indicated below. Site shall be determined prior to the issuance of a site development permit; or
- Contribute to the Public Art Reserve Fund. All fees shall be paid before a building permit is issued. The value of a project’s contribution shall be as follows:
- For commercial projects:
- less than or equal to twenty thousand (20,000) square feet: five cents ($0.05) per square foot;
- twenty thousand and one (20,001) to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet: two and a half cents ($0.025) per square foot; or
- greater than or equal to one hundred thousand (100,001) square feet: one cent $0.01 per square foot.
- For residential projects: twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per residential unit.
- For mixed use projects, the appropriate fee shall be applied to the commercial square footage and the number of residential units.
- For commercial projects:

IWU Triple Helix (2012). By Lyle London. Illinois Wesleyan University Collection. Courtesy: Lyle London