Alexandria, Virginia

Alexandria, Virginia

Population: 144,301
Type of Requirement: Ordinance

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Contact Information

Physical Address:
Office of the Arts
1108 Jefferson Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Main Contact:
Diane Ruggiero, Director, Office of the Arts
Email Diane | 703.746.5590

Program Summary

The Policy establishes a voluntary public art program, unless participation is required by the Small Area Plan, zoning regulations, or the Development Special Use Permit. The following projects are excluded from the requirement:

  • Places of worship and their accessory uses;
  • ARHA or non-profit owned affordable housing;
  • Density granted under the affordable housing bonus in § 7-700 of the Zoning Ordinance;
  • Projects where a social service agency is the owner and occupant of at least 50% of the proposed premises; and
  • Private schools and childcare centers.

Projects may participate by one of the following means: providing a permanent installation of a publicly accessible artwork on-site; on City property, subject to City approval; or on another private property within the same Small Area Plan subject to approval of the owner of the proposed property. The value of the artwork shall be thirty cents ($0.30) per gross square foot with a maximum amount of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) for each building.

Developers may also provide cultural facilities or space for arts-related purposes such as performance, rehearsal, exhibition and/or education, or on-site public performance or arts programming. Alternatively, developers may pay a contribution to be used toward public art within the project’s associated Small Area Plan. The amount will be calculated at the rate of thirty cents ($0.30) per gross square foot with a maximum amount of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) for each building. Subject to approval, developers may satisfy the requirement with a combination of the foregoing options.

View Ordinance
Blue metal sculpture of arches in a courtyard area.

Arches (2018). By Mark Schwenk. City of Alexandria Collection. Courtesy: Matthew Harwood